Audiobook Production

The Audiobook Market is thriving and with audiobook beings made available on more and more platforms and in a variety of styles, as a writer how do you know where to start?

Grab yourself a cup of tea and watch our audiobook webinar below, to answer all you audiobook production questions.

Or contact us for a free 15 minute consultation.

Take your manuscript from concept to recorded audiobook.

  • Asses It

    We work with the author/publisher to produce an engaging, professional audio experience that will make their book shine.

  • Produce it

    Cast the production, choose the right narrator and ensure they have high-quality equipment to produce audio in high definition.

  • Record It

    Record, edit and master the audio book. Your book can be recorded by our approved narrators with home studios, or at our studios in Derby and Warwickshire.

  • Deliver it

    Audio files are made available in all formats and ready for publishing.

Audiobook Formats

  • Single Narration

    This is still by far the most common way to produce an audiobook.. One narrator working alone, no sound effects a straight read of the full unabridged book.

  • Dual Narration

    Dual Narration is where two narrators are cast. This is most commonly used in the Romance genre. Appropriate narrators are cast to represent the two points of views written into the book. The means each narrator will be voicing the same characters at different points. It is ver important that the narrators work together to create those voices and have their studios matched for sound.

  • Duet Narration

    Similar to Dual, but where each narrator will play the appropriate character within each chapter. So a book may be written in one point of view but may contact characters of different genders or non gender specific characters. The narrators will voice the same characters throughout the book. Again it is vital that the studio are matched for sound.

  • Multi Cast

    Instead of each narrator voices a multitude of characters, each character (or point of view) will have one narrator. This is by far the most complex from an editing point of view and we recommend recording this style of book in our studios.

  • Audio Drama

    Traditionally this is the only format where sound effects and music are used throughout. It is worth considering creating audio drama shorts for you book which you can use for marketing purpose.

  • How do I choose?

    As part of our process we are happy to consult with you on these formats and help you choose the right one, for your book, your audience and your budget.


Casting on a case by case basis

At Listening Shelf we do things differently.

We will cast each book on a case by case basis. Many audiobook producers have rosta of narrators.

We are keen to produce books that represent diverse voices and experiences. Due to our unique ability to record remotely, and our multi purpose studios in Derby and Warwickshire. If we find the right actor and they don’t have their own home recording studio.

We can set them up with a studio in their home and record them remotely, or bring them to us. All the while ensuring high quality audio at significantly lower costs than hiring a full recording studio.

Audiobook Publishing Options

  • Sell Audio Rights

    In some situations, we may consider buying the audio rights to a book. The amount we are prepared to pay will depend on how well we think the book will sell and how long the rights will last. Under some circumstances, we will consider short term rights, but usually, the term is at least 5 years

  • Wide Distribution

    With wide, or non-exclusive distribution your book can be made available in a wide variety of online and physical retailers as well as in Libraries. Wide distribution allows you to sell your audiobook directly from your website and therefore take all the profits from those sales. For anyone wishing to sell audiobooks directly, we can help you with set-up.

  • Exclusive Distribution

    Whatever you think of Audible or their mammoth parent company Amazon, there is no denying their current dominance of the audiobook market. If you (like us) would like to change that, then we encourage you to choose wide distribution, but if you want to throw everything in with the big names, then they do offer better Royalty rates for Exclusive distribution.

Remote Recording


Self Narration

Buildings designed and built for the sole purpose of recording things in are expensive. The cost of the building itself then the cost of the people required to service and manage that building mean that those costs are unavoidable. However this cost does not have to prohibitive when producing a audiobook or a podcast. At listening shelf we have everything your need to turn your home (or part of it) into a purpose built high quality recording studio. All you need is a good internet connection, ideally with an ethernet port, and some electricity. We supply everything else you need, you don’t even need a computer.

This is an example of a book produced using our remote recording techniques.


Remote Recording and Self Narration

How it works


The Space.


Getting your space sounding right – People don’t realise that space is everything when it comes to recording high-quality audiobooks. You can have the best mic and recording software in the world but if you’re recording in the kitchen it will sound bad.
We will send you a small portable recording booth for use in your home, you can sit in it and you will feel snug and cosy whilst recording, and best of all it will make you sound awesome. You will receive support and instructions on how to put the booth together. It’s no harder than erecting a tent and much easier than Ikea furniture!


The Equipment.


In order to record and edit your work you would have to learn to use a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), such as Logic Pro x, Cubase, ADOBE Audition, Studio One or Reaper. Learning any of these programmes is a time consuming business, but with remote recording you don’t have to! I will connect to you in your booth over the internet using state of the art software and all you have to do is read. The software allows me to record you in high quality audio. This is not like a Skype or Zoom call. I will monitor your recording and edit out any issues as we go. It’s just like going into the studio but in your pyjamas…if you wish!




Audio quality is important but a high quality recording of a bad performance will not sell your books. As we work with you remotely we will give you hints and tips that will improve your performance.



After we have finished the recording we will clean up all the audio, removing any unwanted sounds and making sure everything is to specification for audible et al.

Payment Options

  • Deferred Payment

    The Rights Holder pays nothing up front for the production of the audiobook. We take all royalties from the sale of the audiobook until a time when the cost of production and publishing has been covered. The rights are then handed back to the original rights holder and they take the royalties from then on.

  • Full Payment

    The Rights Holder pays in full for the production of the audiobook. Our rates for full production start at £240 PFH (Per Finished Hour). At that rate, a typical five-hour audiobook would cost a total of £1200 to produce. The rights holder keeps all subsequent royalties.

  • Payment Plan

    Under some circumstances, we will consider a Payment Plan agreement. This is often advantageous for writers with a series. Do you have 7, 8 or 9 books in your series? You want them all produced as audiobooks, but you’re worried about the cost? We can arrange a payment and schedule to suit your budget and release dates.