Improve company culture with podcasts and audio learning for business.

Podcasts and recorded audio can be an efficient and engaging way to communicate with both your business staff and customers. Here are three popular options.

  • Team Audiobook

    Team Audiobook.

    Do your team know each other?

    If you asked Gary in accounts about Sheryl on Assembly, would he know anything about her or what she does for the business?

    With Team Audiobooks we record members of your team and edit the interviews together into an Audiobook that tells the story of your business and the people in it.

    Starting a new job can be an anxiety-inducing experience, especially if there are a lot of people to meet. Team Audiobooks allow new starters to have an insight into the business before they even step through the door. This way their first day can get off to a good start!

  • Onboarding Audio

    Onboarding Audio.

    The policies and documents that a new member of your team have to read and digest can be quite heavy and hard to take in. So………..

    You could have someone read it to them!

    With Onboarding Audio we can transform your important policies, guidelines, manuals and employee handbooks into high-quality audio. With narration performed by a professional actor, we bring your business information to life for your team.

  • Your Business Podcast

    Your Business Podcast.

    We know your business is more than just Logos, branding and straplines. But does your customer?

    How well do they know you and your team?

    How well do they know what you care about?

    When you listen to a podcast we get to know the people behind the mic and very quickly we notice how much they are like us.

    The beauty of Audio is that people just listen to you. Audio connects you to the listener like no other medium it is more personal, more intimate.

    Lets us help you sound amazing with a Podcast for your Customers.